Avatar Olbram Pavlicek is artist, musician and Graphic designer.Avatar

Graduate of bachelor study programme at Supermedia studio and graduate of master programme at Painting studio at AAAD(UMPRUM) in Prague. Co-founder of Proto Gallery Systems.


PALE TRASH, AM180, Prague Super Natural Special, Dům u zlatého prstenu, Prague Generation Smart, Galerie NTK, Prague Hypebeast Vertigo, Galerie NTK, Prague Upgrades 0.1, MAKE MAKE, Brno Supermédia, MOM, Jindřichův Hradec Frontier Justice Experience, Šopa Gallery, Košice Kryptologik 2.0, Menu Laboratory, Pardubice FINE LINE, Prague BCAA system & Olbram Pavlíček: NOVA X-process, PAF, Olomouc SUPERNOVA, galerie NTK, Prague Ananke, Holešovická Šachta, Prague B.I.G. Opening, PGS, Brno Black Gloves TRY-ON, PGS, Prague ACTIONFRONT: Orange. Corpse. Corp., Berlínskej model, Prague SUV, WERKSCHAUHALLE, Leipzig No Regrets, No Remorse, No Fun, PGS, Prague The Hills Have Eyes, HotDock project space, Bratislava Comunite pasta fresca, Kulturní a řemeslný prostor Znak, Prague Practicing Of Wearing And Unwearing The Coat Out Of Limbs, City Surfer Office, Prague Ananke, Holešovická Šachta, Prague Videokemp 2019, NGP ― Anežka LIVE, Prague Adaptation to the Future, Fotopub Project Space, Ljubljana, Slovenia 'EARTH BØRING', Berlinskej Model, Prague Vzdoruj jako les / Resist Like Woods, Institut úzkosti / Institute of Anxiety, LES. Společenství pro pěstování, teorii a umění KORPSEPUNX, Kadeřnictví Tomáš Veselka, Prague MIND OVER MATTER, Technische Sammlungen, Dresden AiR Programm 2020 in Kooperation mit MeetFactory & NMK Clueless Agency: Every offbeat step, every footprint left., PGS, UFF Uničov HOMESTAGING, Prague 26. mezinárodní festival současného umění 4+4 DNY V POHYBU, MÍSTA ČINU 2021: REALITY DO YOU NEED ME?, Prague Clueless Agency: Rozkošný most a jiné zpropadené tools, PGS, Prague VIEWPOINT VOMITERS, City Surfer Office, Prague __>>D.Di5tanc3s_ P.P0rtaLZ777<<__, Signals festival, Funkhaus, Berlin  Clueless Agency: The Stair Case -Nah …Nobody Home (Ding-Dong Lullaby), PGS, Prague Hearthbrokenly@26’chiropractor, PAF Gallery, Olomouc KORPSEPUNX: stress prosthetics GMUHK, Hradec Králové rigged CRASHTEST Kostka gallery, Meetfactory, Prague Zlín Youth Salon Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín

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